5 vegan meals in Antwerp (reviewed by a non-vegan)

You can’t have a conversation about sustainable living without talking about consumption of animal products. Veganism undoubtedly has the smallest ecological impact when compared to diets that include animal products, but can someone who has not committed to this lifestyle leave a restaurant fully satisfied after a vegan meal? This non-vegan tried five different vegan meals in Antwerp, in the name of science and all.

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Hello again (still here, still chatty)

If you’ve been on this blog before, you’re probably very surprised to see something has changed after all this time. Over the past few years, I’ve hovered over the delete button many a time, but something always kept me from clicking. While blogging is virtually dead and I definitely have no desire to be a “fashion blogger” or even an influencer of any kind, I still felt like this space could serve me in some way.

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